Monitoring of regulations
Vessels using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board:
Implementation of 7 of the following 10 best practices on all company ships:
2.1. Give staff proper training on bilge water management.
2.2. Ensure performance of each OWS by:
a) Conduct annual calibration of the oil content meter; or
b) Sample treated water monthly and have it analyzed by an accredited lab; or
c) Use a secondary calibrated monitoring unit (e.g., white box).
2.3. Periodically test oil content alarm prior to operating the oily water separator and, in any case, at least once a month if the equipment is not used.
2.4. Use seals or locks on all overboard discharge valves.
2.5. Post signs in the vicinity to clearly indicate who is responsible for opening any OWS overboard discharge valves, operating oily water separation equipment, and for oil transfer procedures.
2.6. Lock out or seal the oil content meter so that the calibration cannot be tampered with.
2.7. Maintain proper coordination with the navigation bridge when opening the overboard discharge valve so a designated officer can also record the activity and the vessel’s position.
2.8. When feasible, only operate the oily water separator during the daytime.
2.9. Regularly clean the applicable bilges and remove any solid material that may reduce the performance of the OWS.
2.10. Reduce as much as possible the use of emulsifying cleaners and agents that can degrade the performance of the OWS.
Vessels NOT using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board (even if installed):
Implementation of 5 of the following 8 best practices on all company’s vessels:
2.11. Regularly inspect and perform preventative maintenance of equipment using oil (engine, burners, pumps, pipes, heaters, filters, etc.) or water (condensers, boilers, pumps, pipes, etc.) to prevent leaks.
Note: Inspections should be done at least in line with manufacturer recommendations.
2.12. Regularly assess the condition and maintain stern tube seals and bearings to prevent water from entering.
Note: Inspections should be done at least annually.
2.13. Stop oil or water leaks in the engine room as soon as possible.
2.14. Clean up oil and water spills as soon as possible after maintenance and repair operations.
2.15. Maintain clean, dry bilges.
2.16. Post signs in the vicinity to clearly indicate who is responsible for bilge water transfer procedures.
2.17. Give staff proper training on bilge water management.
2.18. Keep available on board oil absorption pads to intervene in case of minor oil spills.
Apply to all Vessels
2.19. Implement on-board segregation of waste in accordance with the Resolution MEPC.295(71) and ensure delivery to adequate port reception facilities that comply with Article 4(2)(d) of Directive (EU) 2019/883.
Note: Ports outside EU may not apply Port Reception Facilities Directive.
3.1. Adopt an Oily Water Management Plan that formally incorporates all the best practices itemized in level 2.
Note: See Annex 4-A.
3.2. Complete an annual inventory of quantities of bilge water (produced, treated, discharged to sea and offloaded to shore) and of oil residue (sludge), as applicable, on a vessel-by-vessel basis and for the fleet as a whole.
Note: See Annex 4-B.
3.3. Develop and adhere to environmental procurement guidelines for cleaning products to be used within the engine room, considering third-party certifications*, product content**, and packaging (see the Waste Management performance indicator).
*Such as Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas).
**Chlorine, phosphate-free, minimally toxic, etc.
Vessels using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board:
4.1. Adopt a modernization program for oily water separators and all related control and verification equipment. Systematic application of this policy on all new buildings and all ships undergoing major modifications.
Note: See Annex 4-C.
4.2. For the majority of new builds:
Implement an integrated bilge treatment system such as that defined in the IMO’s revised guidelines (MEPC.1/Circ.642, 12 November 2008).
4.3. Vessels built before 2011:
Demonstrate an integrated bilge treatment system approach by respecting the requirements defined in Annex 4-D.
Note: See Annex 4-D.
Vessels NOT using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board (even if installed):
4.4 Set reduction or maximum targets (for the fleet as a whole or by vessel category) for bilge water produced.
4.5 Implement effective measures to reduce the quantity of bilge water and sludge produced on 50 % of the company’s vessels targeted for reduction.
Examples: Separate drainage systems for water and oil drains, installation of drip trays or coamings under equipment, use less water for maintenance and cleaning, replacement and repair of stern tube seals, etc.).
5.1. On all new-build vessels (from January 1st, 2022) fitted with conventional horizontal stern tubes, eliminate the oil-to-water interface by using seawater lubricated bearings or an alternative sealing arrangement. For non-conventional propulsion arrangements, demonstrate best efforts to utilize technologies as they advance to eliminate or reduce the impact of an oil-to-water interface.
Vessels using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board:
5.2 Do not discharge treated bilge water in sensitive areas.
Note: Sensitive areas mean
- Worldwide Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) and Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
- Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA). For USA/Canada, see and
For all new builds:
5.3. Implement an integrated bilge treatment system such as that defined in the IMO’s revised guidelines (MEPC.1/Circ.642, 12 November 2008).
5.4. Vessels built before 2011:
Demonstrate an integrated bilge treatment system approach by respecting the requirements defined in Annex 4-D.
Note: See Annex 4-D.
Vessels NOT using an Oily Water Separator (OWS) on board (even if installed):
5.5. Implement effective measures to reduce the quantity of bilge water and sludge produced on 75 % of the company’s vessels targeted for reduction.
Examples: Separate drainage systems for water and oil drains, installation of drip trays or coamings under equipment, use less water for maintenance and cleaning, replacement and repair of stern tube seals, etc.).
5.6. Demonstrate an annual reduction or negligible (too small to reliably, quantitatively measure) amount of the quantity of bilge water and/or sludge produced (intensity unit is to be determined by the company, e.g. tons/hour of operation).