Hovertravel is candidate for Green Marine Europe environmental certification program.
As well as providing its passengers with a safe and compliant hovercraft service, Hovertravel offers a unique customer experience. The aim is to promote the hovercraft as fast, friendly and frequent, while working to develop this mode of transport in a sustainable way.
As part of this, improving its environmental performance is an integral part of its commercial strategy and operating methods, over and above legal and regulatory requirements. Hovertravel is also making its customers, suppliers and all its stakeholders aware of the benefits of this approach.
Its application was motivated by the additional credibility and visibility that Green Marine Europe would bring to its environmental approach, as well as by the fact that it would benefit from sharing good practice and feedback from Green Marine Europe members. For Hovertravel, a collective approach is essential to achieving the objectives of Net Zero 2050 and the UK's Clean Shipping 2050 Plan.
ISO 14001 accredited, Hovertravel has three main areas of environmental activity:
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