  1. Accueil
  2. Certification
  3. Indicateurs de performance

Gestion des matières résiduelles

Critères par type de participant

Chantiers maritimes


Objectif de l'indicateur de performance:

Réduire les déchets produites par les navires.

Applicabilité :

Cet indicateur s’applique uniquement aux navires en propriété.

Critères 2024

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Give ship's staff proper training on established user procedures and the waste management hierarchy (collect, sorting, reduce, reuse, recycle, recovery, disposal, or any suitable alternative having for objectives to reduce generated waste and/or waste environmental impact).
Note: Training to be at least in accordance with MEPC.295(71) sections 4.7 and 4.8.

2.2 Implement an environmentally sustainable purchasing policy favoring suppliers that use less packaging.

2.3 Encourage best practices to reduce the use of non-reusable supplies for all types of products.
Note: This reduction goal is already a legal obligation for single-use plastic products according to Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.
Note: Biodegradable supplies could be considered if there is no other possibility.

2.4 No shipboard incineration at port.

2.5 Encourage best practices to reduce wasted food on board.

2.6 Implement on-board segregation of waste in accordance with the Resolution MEPC.295(71) and ensure delivery to adequate port reception facilities that comply with Article 4(2)(d) of Directive (EU) 2019/883. Ensure that all of the company's ships are equipped with recycling bins.
Note: Ports outside EU may not apply Port Reception Facilities Directive.

Applicable only to vessels carrying cargoes, not in bulk and performing regularly consecutive voyages:
2.7 Reuse as much as possible dunnage, lining and packaging material.

Level 3

3.1. Produce an annual inventory of different types of garbage generated in the company's entire fleet and indicate the company's actual garbage management practices.

Note: Garbage types refer to the categories defined in MARPOL Annex V, but each company can include additional categories.

3.2. Adopt and implement a management plan towards zero single-use plastic on board (if there is a suitable alternative)

Note: See Annex 5-B for a list of the single-use plastic items to avoid.

Note: Bioplastics are not considered suitable alternatives, as they are not biodegradable.

3.3 Adopt and implement a management plan that provides in-house training and raises awareness for crew and ground personnel on waste prevention to facilitate waste reduction, collect, sorting, reuse, possible recycling, and avoid wasted food.
Note: Training to be at least in accordance with MEPC.295(71), sections 4.7 and 4.8.

Passenger vessels only:

3.4. Implement an awareness campaign for passengers on waste prevention to facilitate waste reduction, reuse, possible recycling, avoiding wasted food.

Note: This awareness campaign is already a legal obligation for single-use plastic products according to Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

Container ships only:

3.5 Adopt and implement a specific weather routing policy to avoid adverse weather conditions and subsequent potential container loss at sea.

Level 4

4.1. Develop and implement a garbage management strategy with defined targets and specific measures to reduce garbage and wasted food, increase recycling, and ultimately target zero discharge at sea.

Note: See Annex 5-A

4.2 & 4.3 are optional for 2024 and 2025:

Fulfill one the following two criteria:

4.2 Based on bills, purchase orders, contracts or any others means, draft an annual inventory that include a yearly plastic ship operational life inventory counting virgin, recycled and biobased plastics, that are used by the company on board of their vessels, in order to progressively reduce plastic waste.

The list should not mandatory be exhaustive but must help shipowners identify where the company does use plastics.

Note: See annex 5-C for more information on plastic materials and criteria objectives.


4.3 Estimate onboard the tonnage of the main plastic use sources, counting virgin, recycled and biobased plastics, related to the ship operational life e. g. packaging, microplastics in chemicals, furniture, etc. The list should not mandatory be exhaustive but must help shipowners identify where the company does use plastics.

Note: See annex 5-C for more information on plastic materials and criteria objectives.

Ships using Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) only:

4.4 Discharge waste generated by EGCS ashore via service providers approved by the local port authority.

Container ships only:

4.5 Facilitate transparent, online public quarterly reporting of containers lost at sea. Reporting should include information on the vessel, its voyage, the location of the loss, and the total number of containers lost.

Level 5

5.1. Demonstrate continual improvement by achieving targets defined in the garbage management strategy.

Note: See annex 5-C for more information on plastic materials.

New criterion - Optional for 2024 and 2025:
5.2. The garbage management strategy (5.1) must include a progressive deplastification pathway based on the plastic ship operational life inventory established in 4.2 or 4.3.

Note: See annex 5-C for more information on plastic materials and criteria objectives.

5.3 From January 1st, 2022, EGCS should be used only in closed-loop mode:

  • for all new building vessels ordered after January 1st, 2022 (date of contract) with an EGCS
  • for vessels retrofitted after this date (date of retrofitting contract) with an EGCS.

Container ships only:

5.4 In the quarterly public report from criterion 4.3, disclose whether containers lost at sea contained dangerous goods (as per the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code) or plastic pellets.


5.5 Actively participate in workshops and/or research focused on the avoidance of container loss at sea, including topics such as: lashing improvement, container loss detection systems, etc.).


Objectif de l'indicateur de performance:

Increase waste diversion and reduce at source the waste arising from administrative activities and site operations. Use of sustainable material, reduce and manage waste.

Critères 2024

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

Implement at least 51% of criteria listed in level 2:

2.1 Equip offices, workspaces, and facilities with recycling bins, including for used batteries, cartridges, and fluorescent light bulbs, and
make sure they are strategically located and appropriately labeled.

2.2 Install clear signage for waste disposal on shipyard property.

2.3 Provide training and/or educate staff on established garbage management procedures and hierarchy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
Valorize – as in to add value), including procedures for handling and disposing of hazardous waste.

Note: the 9R hierarchy should be included as a best practice.

2.4 Encourage the use of 1) reusable, 2) recyclable and 3) biobased domestic and catering material (e.g., reusable dishes, reparable
electronic equipment, etc.).

2.5 Encourage staff to adopt sustainable paper use practices (e.g., reduce overall printing and copy paper consumption, double-sided
printing, use post-consumer recycled paper, reuse and recycle paper) in parallel to sustainable use of digital means.

2.6 Promote and encourage users, contractors, and/or clients to reduce, reuse and recycle for instance, participate to actions for re-use of off-cuts and no-longer-need-equipements.

2.7 Gather information from the local service provider/waste hauler in order to have a better understanding of the relative costs and the
environmental benefits related to the disposal of waste, recycling, and organics.

2.8 Eliminate or limit the use of plastic straws, plastic bottles, single-use coffee cups, and any other similar items in the administrative office.

Level 3

3.1 Implement all applicable best practices listed at level 2.

AND, fulfill one of the following 2 criteria:

3.2 Produce an annual inventory of all waste being generated during the participant’s direct activities (administrative and/or site


3.3 Conduct a Waste Audit every three (3) years to identify the types and amount of waste being generated during the participant’s direct
activities (administrative and/or site operations).

Note: The inventory or audit does not include waste generated from demolition or construction projects.

Note: See Annex 5-A.

Level 4

4.1 Adopt an environmentally preferable purchasing policy (administrative and site operations) that encourages sustainable
purchasing practices (e.g. products using less packaging, reusable/ recyclable/compostable products, products with postconsumer
recycled content.)

4.2 Conduct a Waste Audit every three (3) years to identify the types and amount of waste being generated during the participant’s direct
activities (administrative and/or site operations).

Note: The waste audit does not include waste generated from demolition or construction projects.

Note: See Annex 5-A.

4.3 Based on the results from the waste audit, adopt and implement a Waste Management and Reduction plan that describes the
participant’s waste management practices and procedures, including all applicable best practices of levels 2 and 3. The plan must also
define measurable waste reduction, recycling, and/or diversion rates and identify practices and strategies to achieve these rates.

Note: Each participant defines its own “normalizer” to take into account fluctuations in activities (e.g., per capita, per ton, per vessel, etc.).

Note: See Annex 5-B.

4.4 Adopt and implement formal procedures for reducing, reusing, recycling, and valorizing and/or properly disposing of waste generated
during construction, excavation and demolition work (e.g. cement, concrete, bricks, gypsum, wool, asphalt, wood, steel, and other metals, etc.). These procedures must be included in all construction, demolition, and excavation projects.

Level 5

5.1 Demonstrate continual achievement in waste diversion and reduction at source in line with the objectives established in the Waste
Management and Reduction plan.

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