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  3. Indicateurs de performance

Émissions atmosphériques - Gaz à effet de serre

Critères par type de participant

Chantiers maritimes


Objectif de l'indicateur de performance:

Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES).

Critères 2024

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

The use of specialized software or other verifiable procedure can serve as evidence that the practices below have been implemented.

2.1. Implement a systematic control policy for documenting fuel (bunker notes).

Note: Bunker notes must be retained, and annual consumption notes must be kept for each ship.

2.2. Use climatology and weather forecasting to take advantage of tidal currents and avoid storms. Plan voyages to reduce running hours and idling time.

2.3. Optimize trim for fuel efficiency when loading ships and barges.

2.4. Follow voluntary slow speed measures in specific zones, as identified by port or governmental authority.

Note: the identified zones are Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA): http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Environment/PSSAs/Pages/Default.aspx

2.5. Implement a preventive engine maintenance system to optimize performance.

2.6. Identify optimal engine speed or engine load for fuel efficiency. Inform crew and ensure awareness of this optimal ‘economic’ speed and/or engine load. Transit at this speed to the extent practicable.

2.7. Implement a replacement program for LED or other energy efficiency light upgrades.

2.8. Implement an onboard policy to put on standby or stop the unused devices and equipment, except those linked to safety or environmental protection.

Tugs Only:

2.9. Reduce tug idling with dispatch scheduling and/or provide tie-up locations where awaiting tow or escort.

Level 3

3.1. Complete and disclose an annual GHG emissions inventory (totals and intensity) for the company's entire fleet, including voyages outside Europe.

Note: For more information on the calculation of GHG emissions, see Annex 3-B and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 on templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports and documents of compliance pursuant to the EU MRV Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R1927&from=EN

3.2. Adopt an Energy Performance Plan that has quantifiable objectives and that formally incorporates the best practices required for achieving Level 2.

Note: See Annex 3-C.

3.3. Based on the inventory made in criterion 4.3.1, set a strategic objective aiming at a 40% reduction of GHG per transport work (or other appropriate normalizers) by 2030 since 2018 and full decarbonization of the fleet by 2050.

Note: See annex 3-B for methodology.

Level 4

4.1. Based on the inventory made in criterion 4.3.1, achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity (GHG emissions per ton or passenger or cubic meter or deadweight-nautical mile or per hour- for tugs or other non-cargo ships) of 2.3% since 2018.

Note: For more information on the calculation of GHG emissions, see Annex 3-B and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 on templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports and documents of compliance pursuant to the EU MRV Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R1927&from=EN

Note: As per present information (10/2020), for the 2030 target, the IMO trajectory reduction should be of 1.8% annually on the 2008 basis.


If criterion 4.1 is not applicable, for the specific cases of ship owners that did not have data in 2018 and/or already invested in a low carbon fleet that has a consistent impact on the GHG performance of the fleet (see Annex 3-A for "low carbon" definition).

4.2. Achieve an average annual GHG intensity per transport work of their vessel(s) equal to or below the EEOI value as calculated according to the three different options to assess vessel GHG performance as described in Annex 3-D (level 4).

Note: Other ship owners should comply with criterion 4.1.


4.3. Define an action plan towards a 40% GHG reduction per transport work by 2030.

Level 5

5.1. Based on the inventory made in criterion 4.3.1, achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity (GHG emissions per ton or passenger or cubic meter or a deadweight-nautical mile or per hour for tugs or other non-cargo ships) of 3.3% since 2018.

Note: For more information on the calculation of GHG emissions, see Annex 3-B and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 on templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports and documents of compliance pursuant to the EU MRV Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R1927&from=EN

Note: As per present information (10/2020), for the 2030 target, the IMO trajectory reduction should be of 1.8% annually on the 2008 basis.


If criterion 5.1 is not applicable, for the specific cases of ship owners that did not have data in 2018 and/or already invested in a low carbon fleet that has a consistent impact on the GHG performance of the fleet (see annex 3-A for "low carbon" definition).

5.2. Achieve an average annual GHG intensity per transport work of their vessel(s) equal to or below the EEOI value as calculated according to the three different options to assess vessel GHG performance as described in Annex 3-D (level 5).

Note: Other ship owners should comply with criterion 5.1.

AND fulfill one of the following 3 criteria:

5.3. Actively participate in and provide funding for a study and/or project with shipping decarbonization objectives reachable before 2030, such as: - zero-emission or low emission vessel(s) with the objective to build a demonstration vessel by 2028 - low emission alternative fuel/energy or biofuel (liquid or gas) production - Any other project with shipping decarbonization objectives (such as those referenced by the Getting to Zero Coalition and Zero Emissions Waterborne Transport)


5.4. Acquire and/or build a low carbon emission vessel that includes at least a 30% emission reduction on laden voyages (propulsion and auxiliary needs). At least one vessel in the fleet should be equipped with low carbon propulsion means such as wind or use alternative fuels/energy. Note: see Annex 3-A for definitions.


5.5. For at least 75% of the vessels in the fleet:
Adopt an action plan demonstrating that either the average speed or engine settings will meet the parameters prescribed in Annex 3-F for Maximum AVR speed. Demonstrate that engine efficiency optimization settings were defined and implemented (e.g., optimum for speed, load setting, number of running engines, etc.).

Note: See Annex 3-F


5.6. In addition to the direct GHG emissions annual inventory corresponding to 4.3.1, calculate an annual estimate of total indirect emissions for the energy/fuels used for the company’s fleet’s entire (Well-to-Wake/Propeller) emissions footprint. These indirect GHG emissions include those from the purchase of electricity and for transporting the fuels to the vessels (Well to Tank/upstream emissions).

Note: For more information on the estimation of these indirect GHG emissions, see Annex 3-E; and for more information on definitions, see Annex 3-A.


Objectif de l'indicateur de performance:

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions

Critères 2024

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Implement policies and communications that discourage idling of vehicles and other equipment powered by Internal Combustion Engines.

2.2 Promote sustainable transportation practices by employees. Examples: Incentives for public transport, carpooling, reorganization of business travel, installation of bicycle racks, installation of electric vehicle charging stations, etc.

Level 3

3.1 Complete an annual report on total GHG emissions.

Note: Include Scope 1 at minimum, and Scope 2 is recommended, as defined by the GHG Reporting Protocol. See Annex 1-A.

Level 4

4.1 Complete a detailed inventory of total air pollutants emitted within the boundary of the participant’s footprint within the last five years. Inventory should include key criteria air pollutants, such as NOx, SOx, VOC, and PM.

Note: Participants that are in nonattainment areas or that have potential “hotspots” should place a priority on an inventory of their relevant criteria air pollutants. Refer to the WHO, air quality and health.

4.2 Adopt a performance plan for air emissions resulting directly from the participant’s activities. In the plan, define reduction measures and establish targets to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

Note: See Annex 1-B.

Level 5

5.2 Achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity of ≥ 2.4% based on a 2008 inventory baseline, or other annual average reduction based on another baseline year.

Note: An annual average reduction percentage based on a year other than 2008 can be calculated by subtracting the baseline year from 2050, and dividing 100 by the remainder.

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